When you download the app, and register, please select your preferred CPF Community code (where you live or work), and select “NOJACK” as your REFERRAL CODE. This Referral code shows your support for NOJACK.
- Report a crime feature
- Crime hotspots map generated
- Track Me (create groups for staff, family, friends)
- TEARS GBV Help Desk
- CPF Help Desk
- Community Alerts
- Community Chats
- Panic response to your GPS location
- Medical panic response to your GPS location
- Report Crime
- Support your local CPF with the referral feature
- Track Me (create groups for staff, family, friends)
- TEARS GBV Help Desk
- Wellbeing Help Desk
- CPF Help Desk
- All Basic Plan features PLUS
- Roadside assistance
- Legal aid
- Home assist (plumber, electrician, locksmith, pest control, bee removal, tree feller)
- Home drive (5 trips per year up to 40km radius